Neuroscience Ireland Annual Conference

Agustin Ibanez
Professor and Director of the Latin America Brain Health Institute
Agustin Ibanez is a neuroscientist interested in global approaches to dementia and social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience. He is the Director of Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI). Also, he holds international positions from the USA/Ireland [Senior Atlantic Fellow, Global Brain Health Institute-GBHI-University of California San Francisco and Trinity College Dublin)] and Argentina [Cognitive Neuroscience Center]. He is the founder of the Multi-partner consortium to expand dementia research in Latin America (ReDLat) and the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD, with Mario Parra).
Agustin Ibanez is an Argentinean neuroscientist interested in global approaches to dementia and social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience. He is a full professor and Director of the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI, Chile). Also, he holds international positions from the USA and Ireland [Senior Atlantic Fellow, Global Brain Health Institute-GBHI-University of California San Francisco and Trinity College Dublin)] and Argentina [Director of Cognitive Neuroscience Center at University of San Andres]. Dr. Ibanez holds a track record with +300 publications (+130 in the last five years), including top-ten journals (e.g., Lancet Neurology, World Psychiatry, Nature Reviews Neurology, Nature Human Behavior, JAMA Neurology, Alzheimer’s & Dementia, Neuron, Brain). In the last five years, he has received funding from different international stakeholders, including the Alzheimer’s Association, the Rainwater Charitable Foundation (Tau Consortium), GBHI, Takeda, NIH/NIA (USA); the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); ANID (Chile); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); DAAD (Germany); CONICET (Argentina); MRC (United Kingdom); and Horizon 2020 (Europe).
Dr. Ibanez is the founder of significant regional initiatives, such as the Multi-partner consortium to expand dementia research in Latin America (ReDLat) and the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD). He is an active member of different societies (Team taskforce of the Human Affectome Project, President of the Latin-American Chapter of the Society for Social Neuroscience, and Elected Communications Chair of the Electrophysiology PIA of the ISTAART). He has directed or co-directed more than 35 postgraduate research projects and created and directed in 2020 the first major in Behavioral Sciences in South America. He has received prestigious international awards (including the Nelson Butters Award of the International Neuropsychological Society; Latin-American Award of the Society for Psychophysiological Research-four times; International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry Award) and local recognitions to his work in brain health (Outstanding Latin American Professor by Penser Corporation, 2021; Outstanding recognition by the Legislature of Buenos Aires in 2019; and the Outstanding Neighbor Award of San Juan City, his birthplace, in 2021).
Dr. Ibanez also has established current international collaborations with centers of excellence such as the MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), the University of Heidelberg (Germany), The University of Sydney (Australia), and the Universities of California San Francisco, New York, Caltech, Chicago, and Wisconsin (USA), among others. He is associate editor of different journals. His intense work has helped Latin American translational neuroscience by establishing a framework to engage scientists through internships, workshops, Masters and Ph.D. programs, organizing educational activities for the health community, focusing on cognitive neuroscience. His research has been highlighted in different outlets, including the BBC, Nature, Nature News, Discovery Channel, Popular Science, Daily Mail, Newsweek, Le Monde, and Oxford University Press.
Key Publications
Ibanez A, Kosik KS. COVID-19 in older people with cognitive impairment in Latin America. Lancet Neurol. 2020;19(9):719-721. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30270-2.
Parra M, Baez S*, Sedeño L*, Gonzalez Campo C*, Santamaría-García H*, Aprahamian I, Bertolucci P, Bustin J, Camargos Bicalho M, Cano-Gutierrez C, Caramelli P, Chaves M, Cogram P, Costa Beber B, Court F, de Souza L, Custodio N, Damian A, de la Cruz M, Diehl R, Brucki S, Fajersztajn L, Farías G, De Felice F, Ferrari R, Ferreira de Oliveira F, Ferreira S, Ferretti C, Figueredo Balthazar M, Anizio Ferreira N, Fuentes P, García AM, Garcia P, de Gobbi Porto F, Duque L, Engler H, Maier I, Mata I, Gonzalez-Billault C, Lopez O, Morelli L, Nitrini , Quiroz Y, Guerrero A, Huepe D, Pio F, Suemoto C, Kochhann R, Kochen S, Kumfor F, Lanata S, Miller B, Mansur L, Hosogi M, Lillo P, Llibre Guerra J, Lira D, Lopera F, Comas A , Avila-Funes A, Sosa A, Ramos C, Resende E, Snyder H, Tarnanas I, Yokoyama J, Llibre J, Cardona J, Possin K, Kosik K, Montesinos R, Moguilner S, Solis P, Ferretti-Rebustini R, Ramirez J, Matallana D, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, Marques Ton A, Tavares R, Miotto E, Muniz-Terrera G, Muñoz-Nevárez L, Orozco D, de Oliveira M, Piguet O, Pintado Caipa M, Piña Escudero E, Schilling, Palmeira E, Yassuda M, Santacruz-Escudero J, Serafim R, Smid J, Slachevsky A, Serrano C, Soto-Añari M, Takada L, Grinberg L, Teixeira A, Tonidandel Barbosa M, Trépel D, Ibanez A. Dementia in Latin America: Paving the way towards a regional action plan. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2021 Feb;17(2):295-313. doi: 10.1002/alz.12202.
Santamaría-García H, Baez N, Reyes P. . .Ibanez A. A lesion model of envy and Schadenfreude: Legal, deservingness and moral dimensions as revealed by neurodegeneration. Brain 2017 Dec 1;140(12):3357-3377. Selected for the Journal’s Cover page
Baez, S., Herrera, E., García, …Ibanez A. Outcome-oriented moral evaluation in terrorists. Nature Human Behaviour 1, 0118 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-017-0118
Salamone PC, Legaz A, Sedeño L, …., Ibañez A. Interoception Primes Emotional Processing: Multimodal Evidence from Neurodegeneration. Journal of Neuroscience. 2021 May 12;41(19):4276-4292. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2578-20.2021.
You can find more of Dr. Ibanez's publications here.